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Writer's pictureKirsty Collett

The futility of REACHING your potential

A little Wisdom I received from my Highest this morning that pertains to potency within:

To be potent is to be free in the expression of who you are.

To be potent is to honour powerfully your truth.

To be potent is to allow all that you are to shine from your Being with Brilliance.

Potency of truth, of freedom, of allowance — these are our words of the day.

How remarkable that the words potency and potential are very similar in formation, as if they are one and the same at their core. We encourage you to recognise this core sameness so you might readjust how you relate to the word potential.

Your minds currently believe that you are striving to reach your potential, yet your potential is the potency that you simply are. Potential is not anything to be reached; it is everything to be allowed.

When you potently allow yourselves fullness of expression, undiluted by a need to be like any other, undiluted by fear that you are “less than”, undiluted by societal conditioning or self-imposed restrictions based on false hoods within, then potential isn’t something to reach; rather, it is the potency of your uniqueness, which is available to you in every now as the source that fuels your being.

Let’s liken your potential to fullness of expression — the undiluted, free-flowing potency of your truth.

Circumstances manifest according to the potency of allowance of your potential, so the more that you potently allow freedom of who you are to simply be, the more you will welcome circumstances that offer you opportunities to be who you are.

You might like to read that again.

What a good day to contemplate what dilutes your freedom to simply be who you are.

Shared with Love



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