For too long we have been conditioned to put a 'positive' spin on ourselves, as if we are one half of the all, and it’s the biggest marketing scam there has ever been. The power of positive thinking has been a weapon that has held us prisoner within.
I have long been understanding that I am not what I think I am; that I am, instead, a much vaster enormity of Brilliance with a much vaster purpose for being.
Have you, too, sensed your greatness and your potential within? Have you, too, known quietly of a deeper something unrealised within you?
It might feel like this ache, as if you are never quite where you want to be.
You might have a desperate feeling of missing out, as if you’ve not accomplished your dreams.
Or perhaps you just feel like you have not fulfilled or satisfied a craving.
Or you might feel somehow deprived, as if there is a lack or an emptiness to your existence.
There are those who attempt to reframe these feelings as negative thinking, as if they are arising merely from the mind and that they can be changed or altered intentionally by applying religious tendencies of denial to their existence, as if they can be wiped out en masse by the power of positivity.
How familiar that sounds to the wiping out we have experienced in our world externally when it is agreed that there is not room for differences in our communities.
But those feelings, when felt with intensity, are not from your thinking apparatus. They are your heart’s Brilliance, alerting you to your fullness within. Were we to honour those feelings not with shame or denial, but with Loving allowance, enabling them to guide us gently inwards towards the Source from which they arose, then we would recognise that they were never 'negative', they were only calling for the freedom of your truth.
The power of positive thinking must not be the very weapon that negates the Brilliance of Love that you are. A gentle guideline could be to remember that no 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 could ever lead you to freedom within. That will only ever be gifted through honouring your feelings equally at all times.
Thank you.